Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ready. Set. Go

Here I am 8 weeks into my running journey, and a lifetime into my weight loss journey. I am wondering why I want to share this with others??? My first post will answer this question I guess.

I want a blog for people who are "on and off" with working out and eating right and looking for motivation if they are wanting this to "be the time it sticks". I want to be vocal about when im struggling or when im doing good, so I can get either praises to keep me going or motivation to pick up and keep moving. I want a "journal" per se, so I can look back and see what I am accomplishing. I will be posting awesome food faves, workout tips (not from me but my trainers), info on upcoming runs, updates on my journey, and hopefully some running articles from some great runners i know!

So join me! follow my journey to the finish line and beyond!


  1. I'm so proud of you! This is such a wonderful way to chronicle your journey. Like I always say, it's a rollercoaster ride with lots of downs, but hopefully more ups, eventually reaching the goal. I will do my best to encourage you along the way. You've done so great so far!

  2. You go girl! You inspire me:)

  3. Cool! Hope this blog will help you on your journey! Now if I could just post more often so I could help myself along on my journey...
